Tuesday 24 November 2015

Brahman’s Head or Plastic

Scene One

“Hey, don’t carry hot liquid in a plastic bag! Chemical reaction will take place when the hot liquid comes in contact with plastic. As a result, plastic particles will go into the liquid. If you drink it, then the particles will enter your intestines and stay there all your life. When you’ve taken too much of such liquid, it’ll be more than enough for you to die early of cancer.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah. What’s more, if you discard plastic on a piece of land, then it will not decay for hundreds of years. The piece of land with plastic rubbish around will not be fertile enough for some kind of plant to survive properly. So you can’t bury it in a hole in the ground, either.”

“Oh, is plastic that bad?”

“What’s worse, you can’t burn it! If you do so, the toxic smoke coming from it will be dangerous for the living things. It can also harm the ozone layer because it also emits CFC.”

“So, you mean that plastic can make both land and air polluted?”

“Oh, that’s not all. If you discard plastic into water, it can damage the plants in the river bed. So some aquatic living things that live on the plants may find the risk of starvation. Besides, if some fish happen to swallow plastic bags, they can die from suffocation. If they are recklessly thrown away, they may block sewage pipes and cause flood.”

“Then plastic can also harm water, right?”

“Sure. It can harm land, water and air. It’s too bad. But people are still using it!”

Scene Two

Long, long ago, the following event took place in the celestial mansion where the king of celestial beings dwelt in.

“Well, Ko Mar Ga, don’t let us play for pleasure this time. Let’s play seriously.”

“How do we play seriously? Please explain your plan, Ko Brahman!”

“Here it is! If you win, you can behead me. If I win, I’ll do the same to you.”


Because of the unexpected words from the king of Brahman, the poor king of the celestial beings was petrified. He stared at Brahman King’s face − he did not seem to be making a joke. So he happened to be thinking for a while with a frown. Then he made a firm decision.

“Well, let’s play the rolling dice as you’d said!”

Then the two kings played the rolling dice and the Brahman King lost it. Therefore, Brahman King’s holy head was cut off.

Only then did a big problem spring up. The king of the celestial beings had to consult with his ministers.

He said, “Oh, all my ministers, how shall we solve this big problem? Isn’t it a good idea to throw away this Brahman King’s head into the ocean?”

“Your Majesty, Brahman King is very powerful. So if we throw his head into the ocean, all the water from all the oceans will dry up. That’s why it is not a good idea.”

“If so, will it be possible if it is thrown into the air?”

“Your Majesty, if it is thrown into the air, there will be a constant drought all over the world. As a result, all the people will die! That’s why it’s not a good idea.”

“If so, we’ll throw it onto the land. Isn’t it good?”

“Your Majesty, it’ll make the matter worse. If we throw it onto the land, no vegetation will thrive or survive. All beings will also die from famine. That’s why it’s not a good idea, either.”

“Hmmm, I’m really confused. Give good pieces of advice to me concerning how to solve this problem!”

“Your Majesty, our suggestion is that as Brahman King was very powerful, ordinary celestial beings like us can’t hold up his head. You’d better ask your beloved wives by the titles of Thuzita, Thumarlar and Thunandar to hold it up with our humble respect.”

“Well, I have unchanging, equal love to all the three celestial ladies. I don’t want any of them to be tired. But, for the welfare of all beings, each of the three celestial ladies shall hold up Brahman King’s head for a human year. She has to hand it over to another celestial lady in turn!”

“It’s a very good decision, your Majesty!”

Scene Three

“Oh, how can plastic be used properly? I think it has a lot of advantages, too. For example, it is easy to carry things in. I don’t like the idea of not using it at all.”

“Well, as you said, it has many advantages. But how to use it properly is very important. Experts say that you have to abide by the policy of ‘Recycle, reuse and reduce.’ You can recycle plastic materials to make something new. You can use such materials again in some way. For example, you can reuse empty water bottles as containers for oil. The best thing is to reduce using plastic materials. You can take your empty plastic bags to go and buy vegetables from the market.”
“If you say I shouldn’t use plastic bags to carry some hot liquid like Rakhine Mont-ti snack in, what should I carry it in?”

“It’s easy. You can use steel lunch box or some container like that.”

“So we have to ‘recycle, reuse and reduce’ plastic materials. Is that right?”

“You’re right. Oh, what a curse this plastic or Brahman’s head is to the earth! To save the human abode, abide by that policy.”

Zwe Thit (Rammarmray)

(ရန္ကုုန္ပညာေရးတကၠသုုိလ္ ႏွစ္လည္မဂၢဇင္း (၂၀၁၃) တြင္ ေဖာ္ျပျပီးေသာ စာမူကိုု ျပန္လည္မ ွ်ေဝပါသည္။)

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